Real Friends Don’t Let Friends Go to Hell

John 15:12-17

Real friends don’t let friends go to Hell.

“Friendship must be cemented by piety (devotion to Christ). A wicked man cannot be a true friend; and, if you befriend their wickedness, you show that you are wicked yourselves. Pretend not to love them, if you favor their sins, and seek not their salvation. By favoring their sins, you will show your enmity (opposition) to God; and then how can you love your brother? If you be their best friends, help them against their worst enemies. And think not all sharpness inconsistent with love: parents correct their children, and God himself ‘chastens every son whom he receiveth.’ Augustine saith, ‘Better it is to love even with the accompaniment of severity, than to mislead by (excess of) lenity.'” – Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor


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