“Wash Out That Tongue”

James 3:1-12



June 2, 2019

Scripture:  James 3:1-12

Background:  The writer is James the brother of Jesus.  Changed after an encounter with Jesus following the resurrection.  Became a key leader in the early church. He was stoned to death for following Jesus.  The commands of the book are shaped by the expectation of Christ’s coming and judgement.  Chapter three addresses teachers. Jewish term: “Rabbi” “My Great One”. They were leaders in the community .  They will be held to greater accountability. Chapter three address the power and peril of speech. The tongue is a tool.  It can either be used to speak wisdom or create trouble.

1.    THE TONGUE HAS GREAT ____________________VS. 1-5

Exp:  Our old nature is dead, but it stays with us.  How I use my tongue demonstrates how much I am under the Lordship of Christ.  Maturity is control. Immaturity is lack of control. If I can learn self-control I can learn anything.  James uses a series of comparisons to demonstrate how powerful the tongue is. Bits in the mouth of horses, ship guided by small rudder.  Tongue boasts great things. He speaks of “little” things and “great”. The use of extreme language to make his point. It is like fire. A spark can grow to burn down a whole forest.  Not only do we do damage with the tongue, but the tongue of social media can do much damage.

II.    THE TONGUE TELLS THE STORY OF THE __________________

    vs. 6-12

The tongue can stain.  It has the ability to express all kinds of evil, greed, anger, lust, hostility, and pride.  it is like food poisoning. The corrupt tongue has the ability to destroy the projection of one’s life.  

“set on fire of hell”  Gehenna the garage dump of Jerusalem.  Associated with the idolatrous practices of Israel.  Place of fire, filth, and flies.

Vs. 7  “The Tongue is a restless evil”  It is always liable to break out.  It is like deadly poison arrow able to hit at a distance.  



June 2, 2019

Scripture:  James 3:1-12

Background:  The writer is James the brother of Jesus.  Changed after an encounter with Jesus following the resurrection.  Became a key leader in the early church. He was stoned to death for following Jesus.  The commands of the book are shaped by the expectation of Christ’s coming and judgement.  Chapter three addresses teachers. Jewish term: “Rabbi” “My Great One”. They were leaders in the community .  They will be held to greater accountability. Chapter three address the power and peril of speech. The tongue is a tool.  It can either be used to speak wisdom or create trouble.

1.    THE TONGUE HAS GREAT ____________________VS. 1-5

Exp:  Our old nature is dead, but it stays with us.  How I use my tongue demonstrates how much I am under the Lordship of Christ.  Maturity is control. Immaturity is lack of control. If I can learn self-control I can learn anything.  James uses a series of comparisons to demonstrate how powerful the tongue is. Bits in the mouth of horses, ship guided by small rudder.  Tongue boasts great things. He speaks of “little” things and “great”. The use of extreme language to make his point. It is like fire. A spark can grow to burn down a whole forest.  Not only do we do damage with the tongue, but the tongue of social media can do much damage.

II.    THE TONGUE TELLS THE STORY OF THE __________________

    vs. 6-12

The tongue can stain.  It has the ability to express all kinds of evil, greed, anger, lust, hostility, and pride.  it is like food poisoning. The corrupt tongue has the ability to destroy the projection of one’s life.  

“set on fire of hell”  Gehenna the garage dump of Jerusalem.  Associated with the idolatrous practices of Israel.  Place of fire, filth, and flies.

Vs. 7  “The Tongue is a restless evil”  It is always liable to break out.  It is like deadly poison arrow able to hit at a distance.  

Vs. 9  When the tongue is under the power of the “flesh” we use it to curse people.  Matthew 12:34 “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

Vs. 10  Who is my tongue serving?  What is my tongue doing to the people around me?

Vs. 11  Comparisons:  Does a spring pour forth fresh and salt water?  Do fruit trees bear different from what they are?  The corrupt tongue shows there is something wrong with our nature.  

Follow the Word of God before and while I am speaking.  Does what I am about to say really need to be said?

How will what I am about to say affect others?

Does what I say honor the Lord?

Cultivate an ear to listen to the Spirit’s promptings.  He will tell you to say some things and stay quiet about others.  

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