2011 Christmas Cantata – Mary Did You Know?

Perhaps you remember the old college debate that went something like this. . . if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to “hear” it, does it really make a sound? Some would say that because they don’t hear, no sound is actually made.

Refusal to “hear,” in the case of God’s love, in no way disproves its existence. We heard His love in the sounds of creation, in the prophets foretelling His birth, and in the cry of a Baby in Bethlehem.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, angels celebrated and announced his coming in the skies over the little village. Those first to be invited to come and worship the infant King were poor and unlearned Jewish shepherds who lived and worked close by. Meanwhile, God had placed a sign in the sky, a brilliant star, announcing to wealthy and scholarly Gentiles in a foreign land that a King had been born. They, too, were invited to come and bow before the Holy Child.

What contrast we find in these two companies of worshipers: Jew and Gentile. . . poor and rich. . . simple and educated. . . neighbor and foreigner. . . paupers and princes. . . .

The shepherds and wise men typify the full range of human experience. This clearly says to us that Jesus is inviting all of humanity to come and surrender their lives to His lordship.

We heard the angels saying, “Do not be afraid,” then the footsteps of shepherds and the caravan of wise men.

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace. . . .” There’s the reason for hearing. That’s where our joy comes from. That tiny Babe, born a King, born a Savior, so that we could know deep in our hearts the real reason for joy – Christ the newborn King – the hope of Christmas Joy!

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