Rethinking Evangelism

Evangelism means, “to share or announce the good news.” On the one hand, evangelism and evangelists are rarely viewed in a positive light in popular culture… even within church culture. On the one other hand, Christ-followers know they should share the good news of Jesus Christ yet it often seems easier to choose excuses rather than obedience. Sometimes we don’t think we know enough to fully explain the good news of Jesus Christ or answer questions that may arise. Others find difficulty starting a conversation or non-awkwardly transitioning from small talk to Jesus talk. Regardless of our level of social skills, Jesus calls all of His followers to share the good news. Come join us for our exciting new series as we examine the motives, content, and how-to of evangelism!


Luke 15 We share the Gospel because God is worthy of the worship of every person, because of the reality of Hell, and because of the incredible joy evangelism brings.

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