The Warrior: Engaging and Defeating the Enemy

We are in a war. The signs are all around us. War, terrorism, divorce, theft, pride, unforgiveness, selfishness, pornography, gluttony, and other indicators reveal that the problems plaguing humanity go deeper than just the economy. Yet, the Bible contains a fail-safe battle plan for gaining victory over evil. Come join us as we gear up to be prepared to defend our families and homes against the lies of Satan and take the unstoppable Gospel of Christ into the spiritual darkness that surrounds us. Fear not because even the gates of Hell itself cannot stand before the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!The question is not whether you will be in a battle but will you will be prepared when the battle comes to you.

The Warrior’s Commitment

Luke 9:23-26 Being a Christian is far more than being a good person. Jesus demands absolute and total commitment. Total commitment to Christ is not a “good work” that earns salvation but rather evidence of your genuine faith in Christ.

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