You Asked For It

Our long-awaited series “You Asked For It” has finally arrived! We will address the top questions submitted by our faith family. Invite your friends to join us in discussing these pressing topics!

➢ 1. Forgiveness: I’m still angry & can’t condone what he did. What does forgiveness really mean? (January 31)

➢ 2. God’s Will: How do you know it’s God’s answer and not your own? How can I recognize when God is speaking to me vs. my own ideas and thoughts about what to do? (February 7)

➢ 3. Vibrancy: How do we prevent becoming stagnant in our relationship/walk as Christians? – (February 14)

➢ 4. Death: What exactly happens when you die? Will you recognize your family in heaven? (February 21)

➢ 5. Eschatology: What happens in the end? The Rapture? Millennium years? As Jews don’t believe Christ has come, will they repent in the time when Jesus returns? Would ISIS be the second beast sent to honor the first beast? Will children continue to be born after the Second Coming? (February 28)

➢ 6. Judgment: Will we be judged negatively even though we try but are not perfect Christians? Is there a perfect Christian? Is there biblical evidence for eternal security? Are there sins that are unforgiveable that will keep you out of heaven? (March 6)

➢ 7. Parenting and family: What is a strategy for parents to show our children God’s way instead of the world’s way? How do we properly blend a family when each spouse has a child from a previous relationship? What is a strategy for convincing a spouse to come to church? (March 13)

➢ 8. Life: How do you deal with stress, guilt, and a lack of contentment? (March 20)

– Easter (March 27)
– Spring Jumpstart Event (April 3)

➢ 9. Evangelism: How do you witness when they don’t want to listen? (April 10)

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